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Peep the answers to the most commonly asked questions we've received for your peace of mind.

How many accounts can i make?

We have a one account per person policy to enure there are no spam, burner or bot accounts in our online community. We also have this policy in place to ensure that all people in our community are verified and screened people. If you are banned for harming community members irl or online, there is no way in for you.

Why do you need my phone number and address?

We use this information to keep our SWers safe. No one can harm a SWer and remain unidentifiable. We also use these details (and review them for every sign up) to make sure only one person has one account.

Who can see my phone number and address?

Your phone number and address are private information and will not be visible to anybody on the website. This is information only for you and for our security team to keep you and other members safe.

Can i update/ change my screen name?

Sure can. Go to your profile, go to your details, click edit, make the changes you would like and then hit save.

Step by step instructions here.

why is it taking time for my registration to be approved?

Every registration application is manually reviewed and approved by a human. We cross reference and cross check existing registered phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses and instagram profiles shared to ensure each account belongs to a genuinely safe and supportiv member of the queer community to do our best to prevent lateral violence occurs between peers, community members or to SWers.


Your back-end account allows you to create and sell products and services. Select the plan that allows you to sell however much as you like.


The front end account allows you to see your listing in the 'Eros for You' store page and share the website link in various groups in Eros Connect and also on your profile.


People who are not registered with Eros Dancers will not be able to see the product if you link it to them.




why do swers need to use the same details for their worker login and their community login?

We will use the matching details of your two accounts to link your two accounts together in the back end. We also do this to enure all members of the SWer only community group are confirmed SWers. This is a peer only group. If your email addresses don't match we will need to decline your registration and ask you to re-fill the form.


No users in the community know the accounts are linked, no one can see your phone number or address on the website either. They just see the name you register with on the community form in the community website, your profile pic and the content you share there.




why should i trust you with my personal information or payment and credit card information?

We have implemented many layers of cyber security controls to ensure the security and privacy of our community members and workers. Mama Eros is retired from a 9 year career in cyber security where she led multi-year cyber security compliance programs for Australia's biggest banks and insurance companies in achieving APRA, E8, ASIO cyber security compliances, soo.. make a cuppa tea and get your reading glasses ready if you're worried about your data security.


Our security mechanisms, protocols and controls to protect your security and privacy include:


- Manual user registration review and approval process


​- reCAPTCHA to ensure registration forms cannot be filled out by bots/ spam accounts.


- Cross referencing existing user datasets to ensure one account per person policy is enforced


- One account per person policy


- All passwords are NIST password compliant and must be 6 characters long and must include a capital letter, number and special symbol.


- Our website and all payments made on our website are protected with PCI DSS compliant security controls. PCI DSS compliance is the highest level of security for digital payment and credit card information in the world - and you're covered on here with it.

Want a further read on this? Here you go.


- Your personal information (PII) and payment and credit card information (PCI) such as payment details, credit cards, address and phone number are only visible to you. No other users can see them.


- This website was developed following the SSDLC (Secure Software Development Lifecycle).


- Our data in transit encryption uses HTTPS, TLS 1.2+ and automatic SSL.


- Our data at rest uses AES-256- (The strongest encryption standard commercially available).


- We have anti-fraud protection integrated into our PCI DSS security for all payments.


- Our third parties are strictly TPRM Program compliant to ensure all vendors align with our security standard - there are no open back windows.


- We have automatic DDoS attack protection to ensure we are resilient and available to our community and workers without DDoS interference.


- We have a 24/7 Security Operations Center working 24/7/365 with advanced System Information and Events Monitoring (SIEM) to detect and respond to cyber threats quickly.


- We leverage data analysis and machine learning to detect pattern changes and suspicious activities and automatically block attempted misuse of your account, data or this site.


- We go the extra mile by inviting independent security researchers to try and hack our platform and reward them for discovering any vulnerabilities that could affect you or us.


We double bagged for you DW xx

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